Thursday, January 26, 2012

Will we survive for the next 5 billions years?

So, we all know that our lovely planet Earth has been around for about 4.54 billions years.  Our planet Earth was born from the solar nebula of the Sun. We are also dependent on our star, the Sun, to suspense life on Earth. We also know that the Sun, just like any other star, has a life cycle and will eventually run out of its fuel, hydrogen, in roughly 5 billions years. When the Sun dies, it will take Earth and the whole solar system with it. With all that known, do you think Earth’s fate and mankind’s is with the Sun?
I think so, too. We will likely die with the Sun once it goes supernova. However, considering human’s intelligence and abilities, looking back at human history, looking back what we have achieved, I think mankind will not let its fate settled with the Sun. But will we survive for another 5 billions years? That is a different question. We are more likely to destroy ourselves than being destroyed because of a supernova from our Sun.
            According to Dr. Michio Kaku, a well-known theoretical physicist, a civilization can be categorized into one of the 4 stages, type zero, one, two or three.
Type one civilization is what we are today. We get energy from the earth’s resources and from the sun. We are dependent and cannot suspense our own life.
Type two civilization is what he calls planetary civilization. Type two civilization is when we control our energy resources. We control everything that is planetary, everything on Earth. If everything goes smoothly, we will and have to achieve this type in about 100 years when we run out of Earth natural resources.  We are on the transition to type one civilization and according to Dr. Kaku, this is the most dangerous period. We are advancing our civilization, but together with that, we also have nuclear, chemical, biological weapon that is capable of destroying human race.
Type two civilization is stellar which is what we want to get to survive the supernova of our sun. This is when we become immortal. Nothing can that is known today can destroy us at this stage. Type three is everything beyond stellar, galactic. We will be able to control everything in galaxies. How fun is that?
Ultimately, we have much greater chance to control our own fact if we survive for the next 100 years. So all we have to do is avoiding conflicts and avoiding nuclear wars, right? Hopefully, our civilization will get to the galactic type civilization and hopefully our next generations will remember us in their history books. 
(Source: “What is the likelihood that mankind will destroy itself?”, 

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